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Custom Houseboat Construction in La Grange, CA

Are you ready to get the watercraft you’ve always wanted? BoatWrx will provide it. We perform custom boat construction in La Grange, CA for seafarers who want to hit the water with exceptional style and function. Our custom work includes houseboats, pontoons, party boats, and beyond. We innovate boating with the latest and greatest electronics, hydraulic systems, decking, and solar power. Whether you have a bold vision or general idea for your watercraft customization, we can bring it to brilliant life for you.

custom built house boat

Endless Houseboat Customizations and Modifications

Our boat customizations include:

  • Interiors and Exteriors: We customize boats inside and outside, providing paint, graphics, upholstery, flooring, and layouts.
  • Boat Electrical Systems: We’ll devise complex but efficiently operated electrical systems to give your boat full power.
  • Custom Stereo Installations: Our custom stereos provide superior audio quality to bump up the party.
  • Custom Engines: Whether you want enhanced speed or fuel efficiency, our custom engine work will deliver.
  • GPS Systems: Our custom GPS allows you seamless navigation and location tracking.

Why Choose Us

Customers choose us because we provide the following for every customization and service:

Leading Industry Expertise

Our team comprises construction professionals, entrepreneurs, executives, and business leaders with decades of boating industry experience.

Unlimited Customizations

There’s no limit to what you can include in your custom boat. If you dream it, we can make it happen.

Focus on Customers

We're obsessed with our customers' needs and wants. Our work is only done when you're completely satisfied.

Turn Your Dream Houseboat Into a Reality

BoatWrx sets the standards for houseboat customization and quality in La Grange, CA and surrounding areas. Our process is comprehensive. Every detail, desire, and idea for your boat’s construction will be considered and realized. We’ll begin by learning what you want from your build and developing a plan around your concepts. From designing the layout, gathering components, and putting it together, we’ll ensure your boat build goes precisely as planned, delivering perfect results.

Achieve Your Dream Custom Boat